
After a little more research...

It turns out that the Pittsburgh Community Food Bank isn't the only group that is (was) holding a Match Day. Today is (was) a much bigger Pittsburgh Foundation Match Day. Apparently Match Day was such a big success the the Foundation has already maxed out their $300,000 match donations to every organization except for one.

So, if you're a little upset about the closings and problems facing the Carnegie Libraries of Pittsburgh, the Foundation will still match your donation to help the libraries. Just head over to the Match Day website, register and donate. Simple as that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jay
    For those who may be interested in making a donation and are around Pitt's campus, it might be a good idea to get involved with the Helping Hands Across American campaign that Sodexo is sponsering. They are accepting food donations from October 19- November 12. From what I read, they arn't matching donations, but they are attempting to break a guiness world record by asking everyone to donate on Nov 12 for Largest Food Drive in 24 hours. A nice way to give back right on Pitt's campus!
