

One of the largest blogs in support of our great City of Champyinz, Pittsburgh Bloggers, will be hosting Pittsburgh BlogFest 19 on November 20 at North Shore restaurant Finnegan's Wake. All bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, and "social media folk of all stripes (and their friends...feel free to bring some even if they don't blog!)" are welcome to attend the gathering, encouraging networking and goodwill towards the Pittsburgh blogosphere. The event will start at 5:30PM and continue to "9:30 and beyond."

The event is also in support of Pittsburgh Bloggers, which turns five years old this November. Pittsburgh Bloggers itself is a great grouping source for Pittsburgh blogs. It is free to submit your blog to inclusion on the site, following the submitted blog fulfills the requirements. There are seriously hundreds of blogs listed on Pittsburgh Bloggers ranging from tea enthusiasts to Pens fanatics to high school sports devotee to those wishing to get their thoughts down on the public forum. There is no need for a Pittsburgh connection other than the author to reside in southwestern PA, so hurry up and submit your blog, which will be posted under the "new blogs" section.


  1. Excellent. Announce this in class and also re-post this on the class site. Thanks.
