The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported the onslaught of Luke Ravenstahl today by many bloggers. I was quite excited when I saw that the Pensblog made it into the third paragraph, not necessarily because they were the cited leaders of the influx of insults.
"Luke invented Crystal Pepsi" is one, and "Luke went to Primanti's...and ordered pizza" is another.
The PG interviewed Ms. Lupinacci, a South Side political blogger, who said in regard to the statement issued by Luke's lawyer, "The threat from the lawyer is so overboard, it actually extended the story. I wouldn't be posting on this story if they hadn't done that."
Gene Grabowski is a Pitt grad and former reporter for the AP who now works with Levick Strategic Communications. He said, "The [blogs and Tweets] are driving the story."
I think it's pretty excellent that not only did Mr. Luke incite the sarcastic Twittering and blogging, but that the Post-Gazette put this article on the front page showcasing the strength that lies in the Blog.